written by
Melanie Evans

5 'Healthier' Foods That Really Aren't

Wellness Trends 2 min read

We all want to think we are making good choices when trying to watch our waistline and eat better in general. But many of the foods we believe to be healthier for us are deceivingly unhealthy.

Some popular examples of deceivingly unhealthy foods may even surprise you. Here's a look at some of the 'worst'.

Vegetable Chips

They may technically be made from vegetables, but most vegetable chips are still loaded with fat and salt. It is better to stick to the original form and munch on healthy, whole, natural veges and using a low calorie dip to make it more enjoyable.


Most apple sauces you find in the stores are loaded with sugar and can spike your insulin levels, causing many of those calories to be stored as fat. Stick to the real thing and eat raw apples or sliced apples with a little peanut butter.

Granola cereal

Store bought granola cereals are usually very high in dense carbohydrates with a lot of starch and fat. Granola is so dense in carbs that it is very easy to overload on calories and gain weight when you think you are being healthy and making wise choices.

A better idea? Stick to yogurt, whole-grain toast with peanut butter, eggs, or unsweetened oatmeal and fruit for breakfast instead.

Turkey Hotdogs

People opt for turkey hot dogs because they assume they must be healthier than the 'regular' ones. However, typically these are deceivingly high in fat – often times more so than regular hotdogs. And many of these are loaded with nitrates and sodium for flavoring and preservatives. Better to stick to lean ground beef hotdogs if you are in the mood for one.

Wrap Sandwiches

Typically people think they are making a wise choice when ordering a wrap sandwich because the bread is so much thinner than a regular sandwich. However, many wraps are very high in fat and most of them are big enough for two people, so the portions are way too large.

If you are set on ordering a wrap sandwich, the best thing to do is to eat half and then put the rest away. This will be difficult in the beginning, but you need to give your brain about 20 minutes to register that you have eaten and the hunger will subside. And then you eat the second half later, or, better still, share it with a friend.

diet tips