written by
Melanie Evans

How To Use Small Business Employee Benefits To Attract The Best Talent

Hiring Managing Employees 3 min read

Working for a small business or startup is an idea that excites many, especially those who relish a challenge and want to be part of something potentially very special.

Performing to the highest possible level in such a job can be tough if they always have that nagging worry at the back of their head about what would happen if they got sick and could not afford to see a doctor. Yet that is a worry that thousands of US small business employees still live with on a daily basis.

This is just one reason why small business employee health benefits are so important - they offer employees the peace of mind and security that enables them to work with fewer distractions and worries.

As many know however, small business employee health benefits can vary wildly. Under the current legislation if a company has 50 employees or fewer Federal law does not require that health insurance be provided at all. On the other hand, failing to offer such benefits often sees businesses miss out the best talent, the personnel they really needed to help grow their business in the way they hope to.

As a small business, offering strong employee healthcare benefits is a smart move. But if you’re going to offer them, you need to make use of them as a marketing tool to get the most out of your investment.

Health insurance isn’t a topic that excites most people, and, knowing very little about it, other than it's something they need, some potential employees may assume - incorrectly - that such benefits are their right under law and the fact that you are offering them is no big deal at all.

So how do you market employee benefits to help win over the best possible talent? Here are four tips for making sure candidates see your small business employee benefits benefits package as an attractive perk and another reason to be excited about joining your staff.

Add Them To Your Elevator Pitch

Almost every interview candidate has one; a little elevator pitch they have prepared to recite in order to quickly convey to their interviewer who they are, what their goals are and how they will benefit the organization if hired. As an employer, you should have one too, as in a tight job market you too have to convince the best and brightest of the candidates that your company is a great place to work.

This speech should include a short explanation of what makes your small business employee benefits package better than others the candidate might encounter. Maybe you offer a variety of options, or cover more of the cost. Maybe you help pay for childcare or offer a particularly good FSA. Whatever it is that makes your small business employee benefits package stand out bring that to the foreground so that it sticks with the candidate as a positive.

Broaden the Context

Health benefits are there when people become ill and need medical care, but a really solid small business employee benefits package should be about more than just helping with damage control after the fact — it should develop employees’ overall wellness. This can mean anything from gym memberships to flexible schedules that have been proven to reduce stress. Make sure your job candidates leave knowing all the ways your benefits could improve their lives.

Translate Your Benefits Into Dollars

Eventually any interview will turn to talks of salary. It’s a popular driver of job acceptance, and that’s not likely to change anytime soon. But remember that health insurance can be a significant cost benefit to employees.

When you start to talk compensation you should ensure you bring benefits into the equation. Yes, the starting salary is, say, $38,000, but they would also be receiving $10,000 in health insurance. While you need to be clear that if they reject the health insurance, they won’t get a $10,000 salary bump, you can demonstrate the financial value of benefits that normally don’t come with dollar signs attached.

Whether a candidate ultimately receives — or accepts — a job offer, it’s a good practice to market your small business employee benefits package as a true selling point. You’ve put so much work into carefully choosing your benefits. So the next time you are scouting talent, let your offerings help you attract the best.

employee engagement