written by
Melanie Evans

Great Work From Home COVID 19 Lockdown Lunches

Wellness Growing 2 min read

When you’re working from home, and are not used to doing so, as is the case for many right now during the current COVID 19 crisis, it’s easy to keep reaching for food due to the fact that the fridge is right there, and no office constraints really exist to stop you heading there whenever you like.

While there isn’t anything wrong with (healthy) snacking, doing so without listening to your body’s hunger cues can result in you feeling bloated, overstuffed and lethargic.

With that in mind, here are some guidelines for ensuring your meal choices during these weeks of quarantine remain balanced, healthy and mindful of your hunger cues!

Strike a Good Balance

Whether you’re making a full meal or just grabbing a quick snack, it’s important to make your plate balanced! Reaching for just a piece of fruit won’t leave you satisfied for long, so make sure to include a fat or protein (such as Greek yogurt, nuts or cheese) with your snack. A great option is an apple with almond butter if you’re looking for a sweet and creamy treat.

Listen to Your Body!

Learn to recognize when your body is demanding food because it needs energy and when you’re craving food because of stress or even boredom. It’s OK to indulge every once in a while, but constantly eating when you don't need to does more harm than good in the long run.

Be Mindful About Portions.

Eating five or six smaller meals a day has been shown to be great for stimulating your metabolism. So, try to aim for smaller, more frequent meals! One approach is to make a large portion of your favorite healthy dish and separate it into smaller portions to eat throughout the day.

If you’re really prone to inappropriate eating while in lockdown - and some are finding they are -take the time to make tiny portions of appetizing dishes. You’ll stay healthier and get some tasty snacks. The key is portion size.

In the end, it’s also important to remember not to feel guilty about snacking! These times are stressful, so obsessing over what you eat isn’t great either. It’s normal to be in a food funk or feel like your routine has gone astray.

Try striking a balance between mindful eating and occasional indulgence, and remember that treating yourself in moderation is okay, as long as it is just that.

Great Quarantine Meals to Try

Looking for some great, easy to make inspirations that take possible grocery limitations in mind? A number of great recipe websites are curating some excellent collections of ideas. Here are some links to our favorites:

13 easy recipes to cook in quarantine (Food 52)

Quarantine Meal Plan: Cooking For Two (MSN)

Quarantine Cooking Recipes (All Recipes)

Easy Pantry Recipes To Cook For Coronavirus Quarantine (Refinery 29)

employee wellness diet tips healthy diet