written by
Melanie Evans

White Noise - What It is and Why It Will Change Your Sleep Habits for Good

Wellness 3 min read

With daily distractions and technological overstimulation, our need for sleep and personal well-being is more important than ever, especially for those with demanding, stress filled jobs (which is most of us.)

White noise is rapidly becoming a popular way to help the body and brain relax for a good night's sleep. Here is a little information about white noise itself and some ways your sleep benefits from white noise:

What is White Noise?

White noise technology was discovered in the late 1800’s by scientists like Thomas Edison. In fact, Edison is the first person in the world to ever hear playback of recorded sound. The year was 1877.

The term white noise was coined from an earlier derivative pertaining to illumination by electricity called white light which is basically a combination of different colors.

White noise, therefore, is a combination of various frequencies that our ear can recognize and hear. Since it isn’t feasible to synthesize all the sounds in one, white noise is actually the signal created when several frequencies are combined.

White Noise All Around Us

Since white noise includes all audible frequencies, there are many instances when we may hear white noise sounds in the environment without noticing.

For example, if you’ve ever attended a sporting event at a stadium, the soft buzzing sounds emanating from thousands of spectators at once is, in fact, white noise.

White noise can also be heard as a sound of steady rainfall pelting down on the roofs and pavement outside your window.

Benefits of White Noise

There are some interesting benefits that associated with white noise. Here are a few you should know about.

Relaxes Babies

This one is great news for tired working parents who really would benefit from more sleep. Babies are no stranger to white noise. They were already exposed to it while they were in the womb of their mothers. If your baby wakes up with the slightest noise, introducing white noise may help them sleep longer even when there are other sounds at play.

Masks Tinnitus

White noise may help mask the sound of tinnitus or the ringing in your ear. Those who have tinnitus sometimes find that playing white noise helps them fall asleep better at night.

Helps Build a Better Bedtime Routine

Especially if you have trouble falling asleep, but even if you don’t, it’s a good idea to establish a routine before bed (both for children and adults). Make sleep hygiene a habit!

Creates a Quieter Sleep Environment

For optimal sleep, you need the optimal sleep environment. White noise buffers disturbing sounds and creates a quiet cocoon, regardless of your surroundings or sleep situation.

Helps Your Busy Brain Shutdown

Ever have trouble falling asleep because your To Do list for work tomorrow is so long, or personal worries keep you awake? White noise can help. There’s a reason some people use it to meditate!

You'll Get Better Sleep

By masking sounds that might interrupt your sleep, white noise protects your peaceful slumber. And if you DO wake up, it’s often easier to fall back asleep.

You may not realize how many times you wake up each night. But even if you don’t remember it in the morning, those little interruptions affect the quality of your sleep. So give white noise a try and see if you don’t wake up feeling more refreshed.

Not sure how to make use of white noise? There are dozens of smartphone apps out there that can provide these soothing sounds all night, and if you have a personal digital assistant like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant asking them to "play white noise" is all you need to do!

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