written by
Melanie Evans

What Should You Feed Your Employees?

Managing Employees 2 min read

We have mentioned it often right here - how employers can make use of a perk like free food to not only help improve employee wellbeing but also to increase productivity and improve employee satisfaction with their jobs. In fact, not only is this becoming a trend in companies across the world but there is also a growing body of research that backs the idea up.

But here's a burning question. What should you feed your employees? With so many different tastes, dietary restrictions and personal preferences - and possible budgetary constraints - how can you possibly hope to please everyone? Perhaps not, but you can come close if you take onboard these ideas for healthier eating when deciding what should you feed your employees.

Healthy Office Breakfast Ideas

  • Fresh fruit: bananas, apples, oranges and tangerines are portable finger foods that don’t make a big mess.
  • Single-serve yogurts
  • Make-your-own parfaits: Provide a bowl of plain or vanilla fat-free or low-fat yogurt and some fruit, granola and nuts for toppings.
  • Part-skim string cheese sticks.
  • Low-fat, whole-grain crackers with peanut butter (preferably the kind with no added ingredients beyond the peanuts).
  • And coffee! Just go easy on the sugar and half-and-half, along with tea and a plentiful supply of water.

Healthy Office Lunch Ideas

  • Order in sandwich wraps made with whole-grain tortillas, lean deli meat such as turkey and lots of veggies. Or buy the fixings to let people make their own.
  • Avoid deli items heavy on the mayonnaise, such as chicken salad or tuna salad.
  • Make-your-own taco bar, with whole-grain tortillas, shredded chicken, lettuce, tomato, black beans, salsa and shredded low-fat cheese.
  • Fresh fruit.
  • Baked potato chips.
  • Part-skim string cheese sticks.
  • Hummus with whole-grain pita bread or low-fat pretzels — or better yet, celery, baby carrots or sliced peppers to dip.
  • Water in place of soda, sweet tea or sugary lemonade.

Anytime Healthy Office Snack Ideas

  • Low-fat pretzels.
  • Low-fat popcorn.
  • Even more fresh fruit: tangerines and apples look tempting gathered in a large bowl and will stay fresh for days
  • Low-fat, low-sugar granola or fiber bars.
  • Water.

Saving Money on Employee Meals

These are obviously just a few ideas, we are sure you can brainstorm more. In terms of cost no doubt you would prefer to keep it down as far as possible. Shopping in bulk at a store like Costco or Sam's Club is an excellent way to do so, especially for items like chips, popcorn and all that water. You can also ask local stores if they are willing to offer a corporate discount, as many will.

You should also remember that your investment in employee wellness via food is one that will offer good ROI. Look at the infographic below, which is based on a survey conducted by corporate lunch delivery service Eat Club. It offers some rather encouraging figures for those who rise to the what you should feed your employees challenge.

employee wellness employee engagement