written by
Melanie Evans

5 (Free) Online Courses to Boost Your Productivity

Growing Management Employees 3 min read

Whether you want to develop better management skills, learn new tactics for better time management or simply something new to improve the efficiency of your team, the web is your friend, as there is probably a free course out there to help you.

This is especially true if you are looking for ways to increase your productivity and that of your team. Not just at work, but in life in general. To help you get started here are five online courses - created by some very notable sources - you can take, at your own pace, starting today.

1. Learn Better Time Management skills

Professors from the University of California, Irvine Division of Continuing Education offers this excellent class via Coursera; Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity.

How long will it take?

The course offers 8 hours worth of videos, lectures, readings, and quizzes.

What you’ll learn

This course will teach you methods and techniques for goal setting, prioritization, scheduling, and delegation to overcome time management challenges and enhance productivity.

 2. Improve your Work-Life balance

Do you ever struggle to manage work and the rest of your life? You are not alone. Ever since the rise of the “always-on” minset you are called on to respond to emails, Slack notifications and other work requests at any time of the day, making it hard to know when to switch off. Check out edX’s Get Beyond Work-Life Balance class to explore new strategies to help you do just that

How long will it take?

4 weeks: 1-2 hours per week

What you’ll learn

This course teaches you how to get closer to reaching the seemingly impossible work-life “balance” you seek.

 3. Take a Self- Assessment Course

Is it possible that the reason it feels like you’re moving at a snail’s pace is because you aren’t doing what you’re meant to be doing? Try edX’s Self-Assessment – Developing Your Strengths course.

How long will it take?

4 weeks: 1-2 hours per week

What you’ll learn

This self-paced career development course will help you identify your strengths and interests and align your passions with a viable career path.

 4. Boost your Mood

“Smile and you will start to feel better,” goes the old positive psychology wisdom, but is that all it takes? Not quite. Coursera offers this 5 course series Foundations of Positive Psychology Specialization led by Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania, a man known worldwide as the “father of Positive Psychology”.

How long will it take?

4 weeks: 2-5 hours per week

What you’ll learn?

This course will teach you small-scale positive interventions to enhance all kinds of aspects of your personal well-being. It covers topics from developing grit and resilience to improving character and your effectiveness as a positive leader.

 5. Effective Altruism

This Princeton University course delves into the nitty-gritty of altruism. The course puts forth the argument that by helping others and (truly) not expecting anything in return, is a surefire way to improve our overall sense of self.

How long will it take?

10-15 hours of videos and assignments

What you’ll learn?

This course is based on the idea that living a fully ethical life involves doing the most good one can. It examines the philosophical underpinnings and urges you to think about how effective altruism can be put into practice in your own life.

These are just a handful of the courses available across several different learning platforms, we are sure that once you check these out you'll find more, there are hundreds to choose from.

As most of these courses can be completed from almost anywhere, as long as you have an Internet connected device, taking one or two - or more - may be a much better way to spend your downtime than scrolling through your social media feeds for the fifth time today.

productivity lifehacks